Jane Erica
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Fab Five Friday #54

Happy Friday! Another week in the books, and January is almost over. That is a little crazy. We’re gearing up for this year’s chili cookoff which takes place this weekend in Avalon Park. It’s a great event and for a great cause and we’re excited to defend our title once again! Should be a great […] Read more…

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Fab Five Friday #53

Happy Friday! Are you wearing your T. Swift outfits today? Apparently the kids at school decided it was dress like Taylor day today for their non-uniform day. So we had fun dressing up this morning. As a mom with a 10 year old, Taylor Swift is the whole world to her and her songs are […] Read more…

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Fab Five Friday #52

Happy Friday friends! Its a Fab Friday indeed! This week flew by for us as it was the kids first (kind of) full week of school. Looking back at that first day now, it actually feels like two weeks ago. Funny how that happens! I hope your weeks have been going well and are looking […] Read more…

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Latest Book Club Picks to Add to Your Reading List

Book Club Featured Image - Fall

It’s another year of reading, and that means it’s time for you to get your reading list updated. The book club I started is going strong and I’ve got so many good books on the horizon to read. There’s no limit to the types of books bound to wind up on this list! So if […] Read more…

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