Happy Friday friends! Its a Fab Friday indeed! This week flew by for us as it was the kids first (kind of) full week of school. Looking back at that first day now, it actually feels like two weeks ago. Funny how that happens!

I hope your weeks have been going well and are looking forward to this three day weekend. And that being said, let’s jump into the Fab Five!

1. Celebrating MLK

I’m so happy that this is starting to be a nationally celebrating holiday and day off of work. Dr. Martin Luther King should be honored and celebrated for his dedication to civil rights. Our city puts on a nice celebration on Monday with a parade and day long festival and I’m excited to celebrate with the community this weekend.

2. Good Reads App

I’ve had this app for a long time, but recently started using it again after someone from the book club mentioned it. I stopped using it just because the user experience was terrible, but it seems like it’s really been improved. You can keep your want to read, currently reading and read lists here, see reviews of books, and it recommends books based on the type of book you just read. It’s pretty cool! The app also lets you engage with others and see what your friends are reading.

3. My Fitness Pal App

Talk about another app that I’ve recently rediscovered it’s the My Fitness Pal app. I used to use it to track miles, but it’s definitely gotten an overhaul. With the premium version, you can track your macros, set goals, log exercises, take pictures of your meals to log them, get access to tons of workouts and recipes, and it’s been really fun. Brett and I both got the premium version to track our macros and workouts and we can share with each other within the app. If you’re working toward any fitness goals, it’s really a great one to help track everything.

4. New Planner From Target

I decided to get a dated planner this year. I felt like I needed something smaller that I can take around with me and also plan ahead. This one from Target really spoke to me! Each month has a few intro pages that prompts you to learn something and make a “waav” or impact in the world. January was setting goals, February was about Black History Month and March was all about Astrology, which I find fascinating. So I loved that it’s more engaging than just a planner. It also has each month’s flowers, birthstone, planet, etc on their tab which is so much fun to read through. The kids loved finding out all their signs and symbols.

5. My Relaxation Station

For Christmas I asked for this tray and pillow so I can actually use my bathtub. I finally put them to use (and my bathtub) and put some spa music on while I read my book. It was really nice! I also got a bunch of Dr. Teals products from Christmas to use in the bath, too, and my sore muscles needed the soak. I think this should be a Sunday night tradition. What do you think?

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Thanks for stopping by!

Jane Erica

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