It’s no surprise that every new parent on the planet wants the very best for their little bundle of joy, especially when it comes to their nutrition. But what does that mean for mommy and daddy’s wallets?

My Story

As a working mom, I had to begin supplementing with formula, even though I did my best to breastfeed when I was home and pumped at work. (For a full insight into my personal story (and struggle) with the first few months of breastfeeding, check out my post about postpartum)

At first, supplementing with formula didn’t seem to have an effect on us financially because we had a plethora of free samples and donations from family and friends.

But when those freebies dwindled down to nada, we quickly realized that adding that new expense to the family budget made quite a difference in our finances. So, unfortunately there were no more glasses of wine at dinner.

I had never considered looking into any other brand of formula than the premium brand kind, until I was given the opportunity to sample a few store-brand infant formulas from Perrigo Nutritionals

Saving With Generic Brand Baby Formula

My first instinct upon receiving the samples was to check the labels to compare to my current brand of formula–Enfamil.

To my surprise, the up&up brand had the information right there on the label and had almost identical ingredients. Then I noticed it even says “comparable to Enfamil” right on the front label!

up&up Brand Baby Formula

And I know what you are wondering right now, just as I did.

The price difference.

I was shocked! I could not believe that the price of these store-brand products was half the price of the brand name stuff. HALF THE PRICE! According to Perrigo Nutritionals research, you can save up to $600 a year by purchasing these generic brands. That is a huge savings!

To give you an idea of how reputable Perrigo Nutritionals is, they are the largest supplier of Store Brand Infant Formula and nutrition products in the world. And one of only four companies recognized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for meeting their strict requirements for safety, nutrition and quality of infant formula-manufacturing in the United States.

So, my mind is made up. These products are just as great as what I was feeding Rylee already. And she has adjusted just fine on them after a few weeks.

With this kind of savings, we could start her a college fund!

Disclaimer: The Perrigo Nutritionals product, information and two gift packs have been provided by Perrigo Nutritionals.

Jane Erica

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