It’s been 6 wonderful months since we brought home our bundle of joy, and we’ve learned so much about parenting, adjusting to new schedules and learning Ry’s likes and dislikes through trial and error. Although she is continuing to grow so fast and experiencing new milestones, I’ve realized that there were a few essentials that I could not survive without these past 6 months. So, I decided to share with you the top 5 things I couldn’t live without in the first six months of parenting.

1. Fisher-Price Sweet Snugapuppy Dreams Cradle ‘n Swing

Ever since she was a few weeks old, nothing calms her or puts her to sleep better than her swing. It may be because she was so used to movement from when she was in my belly, but it always does the trick to put her to sleep. I remember texting my best friend Lauren, who gave us the swing at my baby shower, just to thank her profusely for getting it for us!

It was her favorite spot at daycare, too.

2. Bouncer Seat

(The one I actually had doesn’t exist anymore, so the link broke, but this one is very similar, there are so many different kinds!)

Try getting ready for anything with a new baby, who can’t sit up on their own yet and you’ll have a really hard time keeping them happy. This portable bouncer went with us everywhere. In the kitchen while cooking dinner, in the bathroom as I got ready and on every road trip we ever took. She loves to see where we are, so having the ability to prop her up so she is not laying flat—especially after eating—was a necessity.

3. Nipple Shield

I swore by this thing! Everyone should have one of these before giving birth. It saved me from giving up on breastfeeding in the early weeks. I had so much trouble with the pain of breastfeeding and getting Ry to latch correctly, that I almost gave up on it until our pediatrician suggested using a nipple shield. It was pain free, Rylee was getting the benefits of breastmilk and it gave me the encouragement to keep going. It is amazing and a must have!

4. Breast Pump

If you are planning to go back to work and still breastfeed after giving birth, a breast pump is a necessity! I know that they are expensive at the store, but what most people don’t know, is that most insurance companies will provide you with one, completely covered. I learned this in one of my parenting classes before having Ry and was in complete disbelief. When I called my insurance company to inquire about this, it was as easy as giving them my delivery date and the pump was in the mail that day! 

Before buying one for yourself check to see if this is something your insurance offers as well!

5. Fisher-Price Soothe & Glow Seahorse

As Rylee continued to grow and become more aware of her surroundings, sometimes, not even the swing would calm her down. If we were ready for bed, but Rylee was a little bored or not quite there yet, nothing would put her to sleep like Bubbles, what we named the glowing seahorse because of its relaxing bubble noises.

So, although there are a ton of other things I use on a day to day basis, I summed up the ones that I believe made a huge difference in our lives with a new baby.

What are/were your top necessities in your first 6 months with baby? Would love to hear from you!

Leave a comment in the section below! Would love to hear from you and feature your suggestions in my next post as well!

Jane Erica

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