I’ve been asked before, “How do you do it all?” and with a positive attitude and a smile on my face nonetheless. It’s no surprise that moms have been called superheroes and for good reason. I am a wife, a mother of two, work full time, have a seat on the PTO board, and commit to living a healthy lifestyle at the gym and in the kitchen. Balancing all of this and staying happy (and sane!) is a massive task, for anyone. I strive for balance in everything I do and know for a fact it’s what keeps me going and more importantly, happy.

Finding Balance - Amazing Kids Shot janerica.com

What is Balance?

So what is balance? Or should I ask, “What is balance to you?” Are you trying to find a balance between your family life and work life? Or your personal finances and social life?

Whatever balance you’re looking for, having it is what’s so important to your day-to-day happiness and wellbeing. And it can be hard to find a lot of times.

There is always so much to do from the little things like laundry and dishes, to kids’ doctors appointments, parent teacher conferences, work meetings and client presentations. When all of these things are on your list and on your mind, finding balance in the midst of all this stress can lead you into a very dark place.

What’s My Story?

The Key to Finding Balance -  janerica.com

It was very hard as a working mom to have to go back to work after only six weeks of having both my kids, which under our circumstances was necessary. I always knew I would work, so it was important for me to get back. But there was still tons of guilt as a new mom about not being able to do the things I wanted to do with my babies, and especially when I was ready to workout again.

On top of that, there was another challenge I was facing more than ever after having my first child, and again after the second. And that was finding balance. How could I give work my full attention when I knew I was missing my daughter’s school performance? Or be the best mom I could be when I knew I didn’t get everything I needed done at work that day. Was it possible to get a good workout in when all I could think about was everything I needed to do when I got home?

There is just no way to enjoy each day when your scale is constantly being tipped so far in one direction or the other.

What’s the Key to Living a Balanced Life?

The Key to Finding Balance

I have found that the key to living a balanced life, is the ability to disconnect. At work, home and the gym. Or anywhere else you want or need to be in life.

Being able to disconnect while you are in one moment doesn’t mean you forget who you are. It doesn’t mean you are not a mom who is at work. What I mean is, if you are at work, put 100% of your energy and abilities into your goals at work and focus on them from 9am-5pm. Then, let yourself be 100% a mom when you get home and give your babies your all, work will be there tomorrow. There is something I need to tell myself a lot, and it’s that there are only so many hours in the day. You’ve done the best you can, and you will finish what you started tomorrow. But right now, you are a mom and your kids need you.

The same goes for the gym. The gym for me is a place I go to clear my head from the stresses of the day. To forget about my to do list at work and focus 100% of my energy on having the best workout I can have. It’s a transition time to go from work to home and time I need to take care of myself.

Finding Your Balance and Happiness

Being the best you can be physically at the gym, mentally at work, and all of the above at home, because you are able to give something your all and also disconnect from it when you need to play another role, is the key to finding balance in life. This can be applied to any lifestyle and with any roles you play in your life.

It’s OK to focus on yourself and not feel guilty. If it is something that makes you happy, you should be able to do it guilt-free. Your family and your mental health will be better for it, too. Allocate your time properly to include all of the things that make you happy and give them your all. Disconnect when you’re ready to transition into another role and enjoy every moment of laughing with your coworkers or cooking dinner for your children.

You’ll find your balance and in return your happiness and that is something to be proud of.

Jane Erica

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