Jane Erica
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What my 6 year old boy is in to

My son turns six this weekend, and I wanted to capture some soundbites from him during this time of his life. So, I sat him down—with several bowls of candy, to ask him a few questions. And I got some hilariously cute and honest answers. Here is what my 6 year old boy is in […] Read more…

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The Perfect Day for a Florida Chili Cook-off

This past Saturday, we competed in the 8th Annual Fire in the Park Chili Cook-off to Cure in Orlando, Florida. Every year, my company participates in the competition, and Brett volunteers as the head chef for our team. It’s usually pretty cold during the event, and this time it may have been the coldest ever, […] Read more…

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My First Stitch Fix Box Review

This post is a review of my first Stitch Fix box. After reviewing my closet and desperately needing a refresh, I decided to give it a try. It felt like a while since I had gone shopping and I wasn’t sure where to start in terms of stores or styles, so Stitch Fix was a […] Read more…

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Top 10 Posts of 2021

Girls Weekend New Orleans - The Buckner Mansion

This blog post was so much fun to write. I loved looking back at the year and and getting fun flashes of everything that happened. From vacations with the family, girls trip weekends, our major home improvements and so much more, 2021 was overall a great year. It flew by so quickly, it’s nice to […] Read more…

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