It’s time to solidify those goals of yours. There’s something so powerful and motivating about writing your goals down, but it can also be incredibly intimidating. I’m guilty of wanting to accomplish so much, that my list of goals is unattainable, and I start feeling a sense of failure that prohibits me from accomplishing anything at all. As I’m writing this, I’m still working on my goals this year, and I have a few helpful ways to do so, to ensure that an amazing sense of accomplishment is achieved. Read on to learn three helpful ways to visualize your goals that will lead to success.

Categorize to Visualize

First, get all your ideas out of your head and into a list. It’s going to be a lot, but you’ll narrow it down once you get it all out. To help with this, try compartmentalizing your goals into categories that influence your day-to-day life. Categories like Family, Relationships, Career and Finances. As you continue to jot down your ideas, this may help you see what areas of your life you are focusing on more, or neglecting, and may help shape your goals for the year in areas you want to grow.

Timing is Everything

Next, start thinking broadly about when you will complete each specific goal, and jot them down in that month. See where this takes you with your goals. Is it realistic to accomplish that much in a given month or quarter? Scale back from there, if needed, leaving all your ideas on the table as you think through the year.

Monthly goals are great, as long as they are attainable. Another option is to focus on one quarter at a time, from January to March, for instance. Or, if your goal is to lose 50 pounds by the end of the year, you can also use the months to break down that goal into milestones so you feel like you are making progress throughout the year.

I would also recommend no more than three goals per quarter to help with fatigue or any pressure you may put on yourself. And make sure that the time required to accomplish them is realistic, with everything else on your plate. Pairing an easier goal, like scheduling more quality time with family once a week, with a more time-consuming one, like training for a marathon, could work really well together.

Planning Leads to Progress

Now that you have an idea of your top goals and when you’ll be working towards them, it’s time to build your action plan.

I’ve created a worksheet to help you with this, designed to make this part simpler and easier to organize your thoughts.

In the goal section right at the top, be as specific as possible as you write down a more detailed version of your original goal. Use “I will” to empower yourself to complete it. And make sure it’s measurable. One of my initial goals was to “read more”. I wrote “I will read 10 books by the end of the year.”

As you reflect on what you have written, make sure it’s achievable and relevant to your values and beliefs. Then, write in the start and end date, which should be easy now that you’ve done this exercise. Your strategy should include how you’ll manage your goal and measure your success.

In the sections below comes the fun part! Setting milestones with dates and to do lists to get them done. This sheet can be referenced and reviewed as the year goes on so you know exactly what you planned for yourself, or allow you to modify if something in your life changes.

For some resolution and goal starter ideas, check out these 4 ideas to add to your resolutions this year.

Download Now For Free!

I hope you enjoyed this post about ways to visualize your goals this year. If you’re excited to jump in and start putting your plan together this year, these worksheets are available as a digital download. And they are FREE just by signing up for my newsletter below.

And this year, I’ve added a few new items to the bundle. Reflect on your year with this “My Year in Review” worksheet. Set your goals into action with these new Routine Planners. One will help you plan your daily routine, incorporating your goals along the way, while the other will give you a way to track and mark them off each day.

What’s included in the download?

  • 4 Beautifully designed pages to add to help visualize and plan your yearly goals
  • 2 Cover Options (with and without inspirational quote)
  • My Goal Visual Board with Influential Life Categories
  • Monthly Breakdown of Yearly Goals Page
  • Goal Planner page for action steps and to do list
  • NEW: Routine Planner
  • NEW: Daily Routine Tracker
  • NEW: My Year In Review Worksheet
Jane Erica

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