As a parent, supporting your child’s learning during the summer break is a great way to keep their minds engaged and prevent the “summer slide” in academic skills. But, the kids would agree, that Summer break should also be fun and relaxing. It may seem like a challenge, but here are 10 engaging and fun-filled ways to keep your kids learning this summer.

1. Limit Screen Time

Technology is so accessible these days and can easily suck your child in for hours, especially with no routines in place during the summer. While it can still be a valuable learning tool, it’s important to set limits on screen time. Reward your child with additional screen time for reading their books, playing outside or completing other activities or chores to encourage learning and behaviors.

2. Have a Scavenger Hunt

Plan a scavenger hunt around your neighborhood or local park. You can create your own by including interesting facts about the area or download a premade template. There are so many resources available online, like this blog of 75 Free Scavenger Hunt Printables. This activity promotes problem-solving skills and encourages outdoor exploration, and is fun for adults and kids.

Check your local parks as well, like our Oakland Nature Preserve, who developed their own interactive scavenger hunt available for all visitors.

Family Nature Trail

3. Plan a Summer Reading Challenge

Summer is a great time to head to the library and explore some new books to read over the summer. Set an achievable goal for your child and reward them with more screen time, or a special souvenir on your family summer vacation. It’s a great way to get a head start on the Sunshine State Book Club books if you are from Florida. For a change of scenery, pack a blanket, some snacks, and your child’s favorite books and head to a local park or even your backyard for a fun reading picnic.

4. Take a Field Trip

Encourage your child’s natural curiosity by providing opportunities for exploration and discovery. Take field trips to museums, parks, zoos, or other educational sites in your area. Engage in conversations about the things they observe and ask open-ended questions to stimulate critical thinking.

5. Build a Backyard Science Lab

Set up a small science lab in your backyard. Conduct simple experiments like making slime, creating vinegar and baking soda volcanoes, or observing the life cycle of insects. Encourage your child to ask questions, make predictions, and record their observations. There are some ready made experiments that you can get from the store as well, like this Build-your-own Volcano Kit or this Solar Robot Building kit.

6. Create a Family Newspaper

Foster your child’s writing skills and creativity by helping them start their own newspaper. They can interview family members, write about their summer adventures, or share their opinions on current events. Then print it out and share it with family. Once again, the internet is an amazing resource for making this easy with templates. Like this site offering pre-made, ready to edit templates right in Google Docs.

7. Organize a Neighborhood Art Show

Invite your child’s friends or neighbors to participate in an art show. Set up an outdoor gallery to display their artwork, whether it’s paintings, sculptures, or crafts. Encourage your child to discuss their creations and appreciate the artwork of others.

8. Support Outdoor Activities

Summer is a great time to engage in outdoor activities that promote learning and physical fitness. Encourage your child to participate in sports, go on nature walks, or play educational games outdoors. Fresh air and physical activity can enhance cognitive abilities and overall well-being. There are so many ways you can get outside and get active with the family. Some additional ideas to get your kids outside can include drawing with sidewalk chalk, playing a game of neighborhood kick ball, or starting a water balloon fight.

9. Play Educational Board Games

In Florida, Summer means rain every day at 3pm. It’s a great time to pick out a couple board games to play as a family. Choose games that are not only fun, but also promote learning. Games like Scrabble, Monopoly, or Yahtzee can improve vocabulary, math skills, strategy, and critical thinking.

10. Foster a Love for Cooking

Involve your child in the kitchen by letting them help with meal preparation. Choose recipes together, measure ingredients, and encourage them to try new flavors and cuisines. Cooking teaches math, reading, and following instructions while being a fun and tasty experience. Embrace the mess and let them in the kitchen to learn a life skill that will last for a long time.

Engaging Ways to Keep Your Kids Learning This Summer

Remember, summer learning should be enjoyable and balanced with relaxation and free time. Find the right balance that works for your family, and encourage your child to make the most of their summer break while nurturing their curiosity and love for learning. Incorporate these engaging ways to keep your kids learning this summer where you can, and have fun!

Jane Erica

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