My son turns six this weekend, and I wanted to capture some soundbites from him during this time of his life. So, I sat him down—with several bowls of candy, to ask him a few questions. And I got some hilariously cute and honest answers. Here is what my 6 year old boy is in to.

Questions About my 6 year old boy
- If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why? “I would want to be a dog… I mean a puppy, because they are cute.”
- One word to describe you would be _______. “Reece likes going to the playground.” We had a little trouble with this one, and had a small talk about adjectives. His next reply was “Reece can do a backflip on the trampoline.” We landed on Active. Which is very accurate.
- Why do you like being a kid? “Because I have my mommy and I love her soooo much.”
- What do you like to do for fun? “Play with my sister”
[Shares candy with sister]
- What do you love most about your sister? “Oh, umm, she’s funny.”

- Tell me about a funny time in your life. “When at soccer my friend [acted out: kicked the ball and fell backwards.]”
- What do you think you will be doing 10 years from now? “Huh?” [Clarified he will be 16] “Probably watching my phone, if I have one. I’m probably going to be watching Tik Tok.” Thank you for the honest answer, Reece, and note to self: research cell phone monitoring apps for teens.
What is your favorite….
- Thing to do: Play with my sister
- Food: Noodles
- Color: Red + Orange
- Subject: Lunch and Recess, but since those are not subjects I made him choose. He said Science because things explode
- Activity: Playing with my sister and my friends

- Singer: Dua Lipa
- Song: ABCDEFU. (No, not the traditional ABCs. The song by GAYLE, which is a terrible song that is played (thankfully a clean version) on the radio. I am ashamed. SMH.)
- Movie: Star Wars
- TV show: iCarly or Pokemon
- Book: He can’t read yet, so this was a bad question
Sport: Basketball, football, soccer, golf, baseball, tennis, basically anything with a ball, and pickleball
(I don’t think he understood the meaning of “your favorite”, hence why he decided to answer almost every question with at least two answers. But he really does love all sports)
- Favorite School Memory: I got to do Friday fun centers. That’s when it’s Friday and you finish all your iReady minutes you get to go upstairs in the reading loft and play with legos and Play Doh
- Holiday: Christmas + Hanukkah
- Toy: Beyblades + Bakugan
- Animal: Cat + Puppy
- Game: Yahtzee + Mancala
- Candy: Baby Starbursts + M&Ms
Questions About Mom & Dad
- I love it when Mom or Dad cooks: dinner and lunch and breakfast (I could not get any other specifics, but at least he’s not picky)
- What do your parents do for work? Daddy is a scientist for water, mommy does calls all day
- What does your mommy and daddy do for fun? Play with their kids
- What do you love most about your dad? He’s strong
- What do you love most about your mom? She made me (Damn right! 😉 )
When I grow up….
- When I grow up I want to be a spy.
I had so much fun writing this post, and even more hearing Reece’s answers to everything. It’s definitely going to be a tradition for us, even if I have to bribe him with candy. Or possibly cell phone minutes in about 10 years.
Other Adventures with My Boy
This boy is a handful, of fun. Check out some other motherhood adventures like a visit from Santa + the Doctor at an Urgent care, or these fun ways to stay active as a family.

Sweet Reece…loved his answers..can’t believe he is going to be 6..😮
I love this!!! Happy Birthday, Reece!!!💛