Thanksgiving Day

This Thanksgiving is certainly a different one. It’s different, but eventful here for us I can say.

My brother was able to come up from South Florida just like always, but my parents are still being extra careful, as they should be, and so we weren’t able to have our formal Thanksgiving Dinner like we usually do.

Thanksgiving 2020 - Cooking

Instead, we decided to set up outside, six feet apart, and enjoy each others’ company—and a few beverages—before we eat dinner separately in our homes. It was too much prep and too much risk to have the dinner together outside, so we decided to play it safe as much as possible while still seeing each other at the very least.

Thanksgiving 2020 - Outside 3

We even got to enjoy our traditional cheese tray that we usually make every year where we select new gourmet cheeses to try.

And it just so happened that this week, our landscaping went in, in the front and the back of the house and it looks so nice! It definitely made the atmosphere and a really nice backdrop for our set up outside. We had this booked since August and it went in at the perfect time!

Hoping the Viburnum in the back grows nice and tall to give us some more privacy.

Thanksgiving Week Project

We also have been really wanting to get an upgrade on our back patio to make it a really nice space for us to hangout, especially now that we are getting into the cooler months. We talked to so many contractors about it, but nothing seemed worth the money for us, so we decided to take on our very first DIY project!

I was so inspired by this project on, for a gorgeous privacy wall and Brett agreed that it would look so nice on our patio, while also giving us a comfy, more private area to hang out.

So he agreed to be my master builder and help me with this project. I am so excited to see the finished product! We should be putting this in this week and then I still have the pots to create and ordered a few items for our patio upgrade.

My mood board for our new patio is below. Pictures and blog post of the final project to come!

Back Patio Makeover Moodboard

We are super excited!

Thanksgiving Dinner

So in between putting the finishing touches on our privacy wall, and hangout out with my parents outside, we were cooking up our Thanksgiving Feast, which came out so good! I was very proud of us!

Brett was promoted to Head Chef, so my brother was the Sus and carved the turkey for the first time and he did a great job! We ate a little later than we planned to, but it was perfect cause we all slept like babies!

I hope everyone had a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. We all have something to be thankful for, so this was a great opportunity to reflect on that and the year.

Let me know how you stayed safe this Thanksgiving in the comments below!

Jane Erica

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