Hello there, fellow mamas! Can you believe it’s that time of year again? The back-to-school season is upon us, and you know what that means – time to get those routines back on track! The kids may not be ready, but I know you are. This year, it’s all about strategies for our bigger kids, from elementary to middle school. Think bedtime routines that respect their growing independence and morning routines that leave time for teenage attitudes (you know, the ones that come with eye-rolling and door-slamming).

First Thing’s First: Decide Together

Now, before you get all GI Mommy on the kids and start demanding routines, have a conversation with them to let them know the school year is coming, and with that comes new expectations for their routine and responsibilities. Make sure you and your spouse or partner are also in agreement of where the boundaries are so you can stay consistent.

So, are you ready to dive in and master your kids’ bedtime and morning routines this school year?

Bedtime Routines: Respectful Wind-Down

Let’s face it, a consistent bedtime routine is still the secret sauce to a smooth school year. The trick is finding a balance between their growing independence and the need for some structure and responsibility. Here are some tips to get you started:

Chill Out Time

Whether your kids are outside riding their bikes with friends, or playing intense video games, set a time that you expect them home and/or off devices and encourage them to try something calmer. For example, dinner time, getting ready for the next day, reading a book or listening to music.

Set the Evening Tone

Start setting the mood in the house to show it’s time to wind down. Gradually dim the lights in your home to signal to those brains that it’s time for sleep. Consider replacing harsh overhead lights with cozy table lamps in their bedrooms. We love our Amazon Echo Glow. You can set it to a variety of different colors. A red or orange glow would be perfect for setting a cozy, ready for bed atmosphere.

One-on-One Time

Even big kids benefit from some goodnight snuggles or a quick chat about their day. Make this quality time count and leave room in the routine to make it happen. These days fly by quick and it’s a great opportunity to get them to talk about their days without distractions.

Consistency is Queen

Stick to the bedtime schedule that you set, even on the weekends. Yes, it’s so hard, but it will pay off come Monday morning. For older kids, consider gradually adjusting bedtimes later in small increments as they get older.

Morning Routines: Streamline and Slay

Mornings with bigger kids can be, well… a lot. But with a little prep, some trust in their abilities, and the right mindset, you can turn that chaos into a (somewhat) peaceful routine and foster their growing independence in the process. Here’s how:

Set an Alarm

Wouldn’t it be nice to not have to run around the house in the morning screaming, “Wake up time! Time to wake up!” over and over? Set alarms for the kids so they know when it’s time to wake up, especially when their schools have different hours. We love our Amazon Echo Dot for setting alarms for the kids. They can wake up to music, which is so much better than that jarring beeping, and when paired with the Echo Glow, you can add the wakeup light, which gradually increases brightness every couple of minutes, to help them wake up.

Prep is Your BFF

Encourage the kids to lay out their outfits, prep those lunches, and have backpacks ready to roll the night before. Making this part of the routine not only makes morning smoother, but teaches them to think through their next day and teaches them responsibility.

Breakfast On-The-Go

Let’s save those special pancakes, shaped like Mickey Mouse and topped with whipped cream, for the weekend. There’s no need to create more mess and work for everyone on these hectic school mornings. Try cereal (which the kids can make themselves) overnight oats, smoothies, or even a good ol’ granola bar for quick on the go breakfast options. That can be your best friend on those crazy mornings. No judgments here!

Leave Early (Seriously)

You can never leave early enough when it comes to school drop offs. Pad that commute time with a little extra buffer. Less rush equals less stress for everyone involved. Plus, some extra time to deal with those inevitable lost shoes or homework meltdowns.

Additional Bedtime and Morning Routine Tips For Hectic Schedules

For those of you with active kids and lots of extra curricular, here are some additional tips to introduce into your home to keep everyone on track, responsible and respectful:

  • Family Calendar: Create a central place in the house, or in the kids’ bedrooms, that informs them of the days in which they have activities or extracurriculars. Hold them responsible for getting ready in time. Having a visual checklist, even for bigger kids, can help them to remember what events and/or responsibilities they have.
  • Chore Chart: Setting routines also lets you establish (or re-establish) the children’s chores and parent’s expectations of get them done, especially if you’ve slipped over the summer. Use the Family Calendar space as a way to identify them, and hold them responsible for getting them done.
  • Homework: Make sure homework is penciled into your routine, and keep it consistent if possible. Giving kids some time to relax after school is important, but make sure that homework is a part of the routine in between the after school activities, so it doesn’t become a stressful rush in the late evenings or early mornings.

The Bottom Line for Bedtime and Morning Routines

Remember, the goal here isn’t perfection – it’s progress. Experiment, adjust, and find what works best for YOUR unique crew. And hey, when all else fails, there’s always coffee, right?

Happy back-to-school season, mamas! Let me know in the comments below what bedtime and morning routines have been a game-changer for your bigger kids.

Jane Erica

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