When I was going through pregnancy for the first time, I realized more then ever that there was so much buzz in the media praising celebrities for getting their “pre-pregnancy” bodies back. Without knowing what it was really like to give birth at the time, it was hard to resist grabbing every magazine off the shelf, hoping for tips on how Kate Middleton and Kim Kardashian lost the baby weight.
Now, with social media lurking everywhere, there is so much pressure built around the expectation to quickly “bounce back” after giving birth. The media puts such a stigma on postpartum weight loss and it needs to be addressed.
My Story
Before getting pregnant, I used to feel at times, obsessive about diet and exercise. It was a constant battle and I was never happy. Crazy workouts at the gym, on the treadmill for hours, or trying every diet under the sun.
I was always afraid of what my body would look like after having children and thought there would be no way for an average person like me, without all of the celebrity trainers and personal chefs, to become confident again in my body after giving birth.
Now that I have gone through pregnancy and delivery myself—and feel better about my body than I ever have—I have so much more respect for it and what it can do.

When I wrote this post originally (on my previous blog that I lost), I had just had Rylee. Now I have two amazing children and reading this again, I’m reminded of exactly how I felt and why I thought it was important to share my experience with the stigma on postpartum weight loss. I’m also finding that even 8 years later, this is still a very relevant topic, with women feeling like they need to immediately get back into shape, or scared to have children because they don’t think they can.
Here is my experience on how I took care of my body, physically and mentally, and got to where I am today—which I can honestly say is love, happiness and respect for it. I hope sharing these tips helps others who may be going through the same.
Diet & Exercise During Pregnancy
It’s so important to listen to your body and do what is right for you. When you do this, you don’t need to give into the media stigma on postpartum weight loss. During both of my pregnancies, I continued to eat healthy during the week, packing meals and snacks that were portioned for one with the ability to eat every three hours. I never used the excuse of “I’m eating for two” and ate when I was hungry, the same portion sizes I was used to.
When I was pregnant, I allowed myself to indulge in the cravings I was feeling and I never felt guilty for it. I was always so hard on myself before, and that is a huge reason why I am so much more at ease with my diet now. It’s ok to allow myself to indulge every now and then, knowing that in moderation and with continued healthy eating, I can do so and enjoy my favorite treats without the guilt or brutal gym sessions. That was a huge mental change for me postpartum.

As for working out during my pregnancy, I did what I could, when I felt good. When I asked my doctor if I could continue running, she said yes but scared me right off the bat. She advised against it due to safety and preventing the possibility falling and that made me more hesitant to continue. So I took it really easy as my pregnancy progressed. I walked around the lake near my office during lunch breaks, occasionally did an at home DVD, and did squats and dumbbells when I wasn’t exhausted after a long day’s work. And for someone like me who was at the gym every single day before getting pregnant, I thought for sure I would have a ton of work to do after giving birth to get back to where I wanted to be.

Fighting the Media Stigma on Postpartum Weight Loss
After giving birth, my journey back to the gym didn’t start right away. And during that time, I of course came across a magazine cover of Kim Kardashian in a bikini with headlines about how she’s already lost her baby weight. We were pregnant at the same time, and she was a megastar so it was hard to not to follow her. To put things in perspective—I had Rylee in May, and she had North in June. So you can imagine my surprise when she was “already back in bikini shape” and I wasn’t even back at the gym yet.

It was at that time, that I truly understood how badly the media over exaggerates its headlines and uses outdated photos for “clicks” and magazine sales. I knew that I couldn’t trust the media anymore and wouldn’t let those stories affect me at all in my journey, because it was so unrealistic. I mean, if going to the bathroom hurts like a biotch for the first six weeks after giving birth, I highly doubt anyone is hitting up the gym for a 3 hour personal training session!
And the social media stigma on postpartum weight loss is worse, with Instagram at everyone’s finger tips.
What helped me was staying focused on my body, and how my baby was progressing. I reminded myself that I just went through a traumatic experience that only my body knows the true impact of. My body is slowly – on its own time – adjusting to what has happened to me and miraculously going back to normal on its own. My baby needs my full attention. And I need this time to adjust to my new lifestyle and give that to her. I am not going to compare myself to anyone else.
Getting Back into the Gym
It’s important to start working out on your time and at your pace after giving birth. Once I felt completely healed, which was right around 6 weeks, I starting walking first to ease back into it. Shortly after, I was ready for something more intense and started going to Crossfit Bootcamp. It took me a little over 4 months to get back into my bikini. And I was extremely proud of myself.

What I want you to take away from reading this post is that you can get back to a happy place in regards to your body after giving birth. But it’s up to you to make the choice to do so and make a conscious effort to not compare yourself to others. Especially what the media says Britney Spears’ average turnaround time for a six pack is. Don’t let the media and the altered truth that it portrays get inside your head.
Having my children has been the most life-changing thing for me when it comes to my body image. No matter what magazines or social media say, I don’t obsess about diet and workouts anymore. After seeing my body transform, I can honestly say I have a huge amount respect for myself and my body now.
And if you need one more word of encouragement, just look at your sweet little angel and remember what a miracle your body went through to create such a beautiful little life!

Thanks Jane!!!