Losing My Blog
I used to blog at My Squeaky Sneakers (MSS). I started that over 10 years ago now, and blogged up until I had my son. So you can imagine how much content, memories, stories and time I put into it over those years.
Then I became a mother of two, changed roles and gained more responsibilities at work, and couldn’t find time to workout anymore. So blogging took a back seat. When I wasn’t at work, or dealing with a jealous sibling acting out for attention, or nursing full time, I was exhausted. More time in front of the computer seemed like an impossibility.
Then, one day, I had a second wind. I tried to log on, but nothing was there. I was so confused I didn’t know what had happened. I tried everything, and then checked my neglected personal email account and found a few emails from my hosting company reminding me to renew.
I called the hosting company, in a frantic desperation to get it back up. But it was too late. I forgot to renew my hosting and it passed the period of restoring it, so everything I had ever done, was lost—erased from the server and from the world.
Starting Over
Growing up, I always loved writing, constantly jotting down thoughts and stories in notebooks that I collected over the years. I don’t remember a time in my life where I wasn’t writing. Blogging gave me the outlet to write and be creative, and to share ideas and inspiration with my followers. And I have felt the void in my life.
I thought I had given up when I realized MSS was gone. But four years later, here I am, with the itch to start over. Life is too short to forget about something I love doing. I’m finally able to find the “me time” to dedicate to growing—my passions and my blog. And maybe this is a chance for me to do things differently. To learn from past mistakes and build something I am proud of. The timing feels right to start over. So much has happened over the past four years—from raising two amazing children, my oldest entering elementary school, to losing a best friend, to best friends’ weddings, and traveling to Italy. I can’t wait to get back into the blogging world again. I have finally found the courage to start over.

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