Happy Friday! It’s such a beautiful day today. A little on the chilly side, but in the sun its gorgeous! Perfect for a Fab Five Friday. This week has flown by for us. We’re gearing up for our second competition of the season this weekend and can’t wait to see how Rylee and her team will do. Coming off of last weekend though, let’s get started with the first fab five!
1. Family Bridal Shower

Last Sunday, we celebrated Brett’s cousin, and my cousin-in-law’s, bridal shower. It was such a nice time with the family with great food and great conversation. I was so honored to be a part of the special day. We are all so excited for the wedding this November!
2. A Court of Silver Flames

I’m finally on the last book of the ACOTAR series and just seriously can’t get enough. I remember a friend telling me about when she read this series she literally couldn’t stop reading and joked about how her marriage was going through a rough patch because she was married to these books. Ha! That is totally how I feel though, I can’t stop and need to see it through to the end. This one is taking a bit of a twist and is from another character’s point of view, so I can’t wait to see what happens!
3. First Family Ski Trip Post

I finally had the chance to post about our family’s first ever ski trip. It was such an amazing experience and one that the kids still talk about today. For beginner skiers who are not familiar with how it all goes down, the resort we picked was perfect. Check it out for a fun read and inspiration if you’ve been thinking about taking your family skiing for the first time and don’t know where to start.
4. Challenges of Motherhood Post

Another post that went live this week is this one all about the challenges of motherhood. This crazy life of parenthood is a rollercoaster ride. And this post is a labor of love that hopefully will help anyone who’s just going through a crazy time, need some words of encouragement, or just wants to feel in sync with other moms out there going through the same thing. A fun read and would loved if you read it, too!
5. Ladder Fitness App

I am on month 2 of the Ladder Fitness App and still loving it. I have never seen another app like this that creates workouts for you, that are different every week, with a trainer who goes through each movement and workout with you as you go. It’s inspiring, motivating and challenging and I’ve really been feeling stronger than ever. I highly recommend trying it out. Click this link to try it out completely for free for a week, without giving any credit card info!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Happy fab Five Friday!