We made it! It’s Friday! This week flew by, I can’t believe it’s already Friday. Lots of excitement happening over here as we are planning for Thanksgiving. There’s also been lots of action in the backyard and at work. Let’s get into this week’s Fab Five Friday!
1. Burt’s Bees Foot Cream

Ok I have to rave about this stuff! I got a small size as a gift and I’ve used it a few times now. It’s amazing! It’s not a typical lotion it’s like a rich scrub. I put it on and then put socks on so it soaks up the richness and my feet are like brand new… I swear!
2. The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez

Abby Jimenez did it again! The Friend Zone was another winner. I love her writing and the two sides of every story theme. I’m always rooting for the characters and really enjoy the story lines. I already can’t wait to pick up her next one!
3. The Little ELF Gift Wrap Cutter

I’m so ready for gift wrapping season with this Elf Gift Wrap Cutter. I saw it in action on social media and was immediately sold. This thing is going to save so much time and make the wrapping look so much better.
4. Diary of a Wimpy Kid & Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid

I’ve finally found a book series that Reece cannot out down. He’s been asking for these books and it’s great that there’s so many of them to keep him reading. I’ve already stashed 4 of them away to give as gifts for Chrismukkah.
5. Rylee’s Honor Roll Ceremony

And to finish the week off strong, Rylee got all A’s for the first semester and was celebrated at her school with an honor roll ceremony. We are so proud! Great ending to a crazy week!
I hope you all had an amazing and positive week. Enjoy your Fab Five Friday and thanks for stopping by!
Have a great weekend!