Happy Friday, Everyone! It’s the first Fab Five of the New Year and I am so excited to share with you some of the things I am loving right now and I think you will, too!

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Fab Five #5 - FlutterHabit


I have posted about these a few times on my Instagram account, but I am obsessed with these false eye lash extensions. Wearing these lashes makes me feel so much more put together for some reason, without having to wear makeup. Especially on video calls at work, I love how they make me look awake and alive! They stay on for 5-7 days (once I even kept them on for 9 days!) and they go under the lash for a more natural look. I recommend them to any busy mama who wants to feel beautiful with little effort and without the cost and time it takes to get professional lashes done.

Fab Five #5 - Mini Smart Plug

Mini Smart Plug

This Mini Smart Plug is so cool for connecting lights and other devices in your home with Alexa or Google Home. We use this on our back porch to turn on and off our porch lights, since our outlet out there doesn’t have a switch. All we say is “Alexa, turn on patio lights” and they turn on! I am thinking through other places in the house to add this amazing feature to make things for convenient!

Fab Five #5 - Target Undies

$5 Target Undies

Sometimes something fabulous is just a simple pair of super comfy underwear for $5. I was in desperate need of some new underwear and since I pretty much live in gym clothes now, I really needed some that were seamless underneath. These are perfect. And they are on sale today, 5 for $20!

Fab Five #5 - Flip Belt

Flip Belt

Brett gifted this to me for Christmas and I was so excited to try it out on a run! I’ve been holding my phone on runs because I don’t have a case that fits it and didn’t want an arm band anymore. This is perfect! It doesn’t ride up at all and is very comfortable. Could even be super convenient at the gym and at theme parks too!

Fab Five #5 - Princess in Black

Princess in Black Series

Rylee is loving reading these chapter books. She is doing so well with them and I even really enjoy the stories when we read together. She is 7 now and they are interesting and challenging enough to keep her learning and excited to read. She loves it so much, she dressed up as the Princess in Black today for Literacy Week at school!

I hope you loved this edition of the Fab Five! Here are some past ones to check out, too:

Fab Five Friday #1 | Fab Five Friday #2 | Fab Five Friday #3 | Fab Five Friday #4

Jane Erica

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