Jane Erica

Fab Five

Fab Five Friday #43

This week flew by, I seriously can’t believe it’s been a week already and we’re back at Friday. I’ll give you a quick run down if this week in the Fab Five Friday countdown! 1. Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid I wrote about receiving this book last week, but started reading it this […] Read more…

Fab Five Friday #42

Happy Friday! We’ve been looking forward to this weekend for a while. I took the day off today and we’re heading down to South Florida to celebrate my dad’s 75th birthday. We were originally going to take the Brightline down from Orlando to Boca, which I was really looking forward to so we didn’t have […] Read more…

Fab Friday #41

Happy Friday! This week it came quickly after the Labor Day holiday. I hope everyone had a great and productive week and have plans for a fun (or relaxing) weekend. Soccer starts this weekend for us and I feel like it’s been so long since we’ve been at the fields! This is the first year […] Read more…

Fab Five Friday #40

Happy Friday! I hope everyone’s made it safely through this week. Highlights included a Hurricane Day, thanks to Idalia, a great game by the UCF Knights at their season opener, lots of things checked off the to-do list and a house project underway (more to come!). I’m so excited for the nice long weekend and […] Read more…

Fab Five Friday #39

It’s another Fab Friday and I cannot wait until this weekend. Brett was traveling all week so I am just extra exhausted. The kids started back up with all the activities golf, soccer and dance. But it’s the second week of school and so far so good! There’s definitely a lot more homework in 5th […] Read more…

Fab Five Friday #38

Happy Friday! I hope you are doing wonderful this Fab Five Friday and gearing up for a fun-filled weekend. Or a relaxing, no plans kinda weekend, both are welcomed at times! This weekend, though, it’s Father’s Day. And to add to that, my mom is celebrating a big birthday (never reveal a woman’s age) and […] Read more…