Jane Erica

Fab Five

Fab Five Friday #73

Fab Five Friday #73

Happy Friday! Do you feel the holiday cheer shimmering around you? Or are you in the middle of last minute preparations for upcoming events? Either way, embrace the season and enjoy this crazy and fun time with your family! We’ve definitely kicked off the holiday season with lots of fun events in Downtown Winter Garden […] Read more…

Fab Five Friday #72

Happy Friday! Welcome to this week’s Fab Five Friday! A collection of highlights from the week and a reflection on what’s going on with us. It’s the week before Thanksgiving! So there’s lots of prep and thinking through what we need to make the holiday special with the family. I also had my work potluck […] Read more…

Fab Five Friday #71

We made it! It’s Friday! This week flew by, I can’t believe it’s already Friday. Lots of excitement happening over here as we are planning for Thanksgiving. There’s also been lots of action in the backyard and at work. Let’s get into this week’s Fab Five Friday! 1. Burt’s Bees Foot Cream Ok I have […] Read more…

Fab Five Friday #70

Happy Friday! I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween! The night always goes so fast, but I absolutely love this holiday. I love the spookiness and the dressing up, I love how happy the kids are and how happy it makes everyone. It’s so much fun! And on that note, I’m kicking off this […] Read more…

Fab Five Friday #69

Happy Friday! Another week in the books and it feels like this year is flying by. We’re almost near the craziness of the holidays, and then before we know it, the year is over! We’re trying to slow down over here, but it’s hard to do with so much on the agenda. So let’s take […] Read more…

Fab Five Friday #68

Fab Five Friday 68

Happy Friday! First, I wanted to mention how devastating the effects of Hurricane Helene have been to witness through the news and social media. I can’t stop thinking about all that was lost and how scary it must have been for everyone. I’m also very aware of how lucky we were to not have been […] Read more…