Summer is coming to an end, and we are soaking up every bit of sun that we can before it does! We took a road trip this past weekend to the oldest city in America—St. Augustine. It was a quick one-nighter trip to the coast so we drove in early after Brett’s soccer coach meeting […] Read more…
Fab Five Friday #17

Happy Friday! And where did this month go! I’m already in back to school mode with the kids heading back in a couple weeks. It’s always exciting to start a new routine and meet the kids’ teachers. I feel like it’s a big year with them entering 1st and 4th grade! It’s been a week […] Read more…
How to Build Healthy Device Habits in Our Children

The other day I had an out of body experience. It was as if I saw myself from the eyes of my children. And I was disappointed in what I saw. In this digital age, I’ve been so concerned about how to protect my kids from negative social media or how to behave in public […] Read more…
6 Family Activities To Do In Singer Island, Florida

Singer Island, Florida is a little peninsula on the Atlantic coast in Palm Beach County. I’ve been spending summers there pretty much every year for the past 15 years. We head down usually on fourth of July weekend to my parent’s timeshare on the beach. The kids have been going since they were born and […] Read more…
Fab Five Friday #16

Happy Friday! I feel like I say this every single Fab Five Friday, but these months really are going by so fast! The year is half way over and it’s the end of another quarter. It’s just crazy! I am excited about sharing my Fab Five Friday today, though. 1. Rylee’s Dance Photos Rylee has […] Read more…
My Pre-Vacation Secrets for Getting Bikini-Ready

It’s almost that time of the year again, when we go on our annual family trip to the beach! My family and I always go to Singer Island where my parent’s timeshare is and spend a week there with my parents, and my brother and his girlfriend for the July 4th holiday. I always want […] Read more…