Well, I can’t believe it! Another year and my boy is 9 years old! Motherhood just keeps on getting sweeter with this kid and this year’s interview did not disappoint. I have been doing this every year for the past couple of years and I love the conversation we have the most. And the answers are just too good not to capture. If you are interested in learning about what little boys are into, you have to check out this interview with my 9 year old son.

Questions about My 9 year old son
I got a brand new list of questions, so let’s get into these hilarious answers.
- One word to describe you would be funny.
- If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why? “An eagle, because I can fly super high and you can also walk and you eat fish every night. And I love fish.”
- What’s the best thing that’s happened to you lately? “The Eagles are going to the Superbowl.”
- What’s something you’re looking forward to? “Definitely going on a cruise.”
- Where do you want to live when you grow up? “Florida. And if I can’t afford a house, I want to be a roommate with my friend.”
- What kind of car would you like to drive? “A Lime Green Dodge Challenger.”
- If you could go anywhere in the world, what place would you most want to travel to? Why? “Paris, because the Eiffel tower, it’s so beautiful. And I can learn some French.”
- What’s the last thing that made you laugh really hard? “My friend reacted to these people, and he did the funniest dance I’ve ever seen in my entire life.” [performed dance while laughing, very hard]
- What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? “Probably to not be dumb cause I do a lot of dumb things. I am a kid, we do a lot of dumb things. All of my friends do dumb stuff like chilling on a brick wall.”
- If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you want to have with you? “Internet, Ipad with unlimited screen time, unlimited food”… thinks through surviving and changes mind to “unlimited food, unlimited water, and a friend.”
- If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? “Chicken Pot Pie.”

What is your favorite….
- Book: Diary of a Wimpy Kid
- TV Show: Hunter x Hunter
- Movie: The Hunger Games
- Character in any of the above: Killua Zoldyck from Hunter x Hunter
- Toy or Game: Roblox
- Color: Lime Green
- Word: I have three favorite words, Never give up
- Sports team: Real Madrid, because Mbappe moved
- Thing to eat for breakfast: Cereal
- Subject in school: Math and writing
- Activity: Soccer
Questions About Mom & Dad
- I love it when Mom or Dad cooks: “Still The Ush.” I don’t think this answer will ever change. It’s pasta, chicken nuggets and a veggie.
- What do you love doing with your mom? “Going to the skate park.”
- What do you love doing with your dad? “Going to astro skate”
- What do you love most about your dad? “He is funny and makes a lot of funny stuff up.”
- What do you love most about your mom? “Your brave and funny.”
When I grow up….
- When I grow up I want to be a professional soccer player.
And this answer has pretty much stayed the same since he was 7.
This post was once again so much fun, and a yearly tradition. I hope you enjoyed this interview with my 9 year old son!
Other Adventures with My Boy
This boy is a handful, of fun. Check out some other motherhood adventures like a visit from Santa + the Doctor at an Urgent care, last year’s interview, or these fun ways to stay active as a family.