Wow, well I just wrote that title and got butterflies in my stomach. My 11 year old daughter! How did this happen? Rylee is still my sweet, although sometimes sassy, little girl. She is goofy and funny, loves to be social and hangout with her friends. She definitely doesn’t have a shy bone in her body. She’s so independent and I love how she’s exploring foods and trying new things and really coming to love them. Rylee loves to read and is doing so well in school, which makes me know she is going to be just fine in middle school. I always love reading the interview from last year to see how much has changed and what’s different.

Questions about My 11 year old daughter
Let’s get into these hilarious interview questions!
- Why do you like being a kid? “I dont have to work and life is easy.”
- One word to describe you would be funny
- What are you most looking forward to about middle school? “Learning Spanish, meeting new people and not wearing uniforms anymore.”
- What is one goal you have for the summer? “Spend less time on devices and more time reading and spending with the fam.”
- What advice would you give your parents? “Instead of yelling the first time, say it nice the first time.” (I think what she is leaving out is that the first time, which she didn’t hear me, was said nice, so by the third time she hears me, now I’m yelling. I blame the devices!)
- If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why? “A cat because they are graceful and they always land on four feet and they have nine lives.”
- What do you love most about your sibling? “Let me think real quick, when he’s not being mean and he’s being really nice.” So funny that in Reece’s interview, he said the same thing about her.
- What do you think you will be doing 10 years from now? “I’ll be a successful woman.” You go girl!
- What’s the best thing that’s happened to you lately? “Finishing all my FAST tests. And I dont have to learn anything for the rest of the year.”
- What’s a question you’d like to ask me? “What is your favorite thing about having kids.” Why does she ask such deep questions, ha! Of course I went on and on and she was ready for the next question.
- What’s your favorite place in the world? “Italy” But you’ve never been to Italy. “I know, but I really want to go!” Noted, so what’s your favorite place you’ve been? “Massachusetts.” (that’s where we went skiing)
- What would you do with $1,000? “Put half of it in my bank account, and college savings, and the other half in my box of money that I use to spend for stuff. And then I would just save up buy myself an Apple watch.”

What is your favorite….
- Thing to do: Dance
- Book: Harry Potter
- Dance Style: Hip Hop
- Food: Pasta, because it can be used in so many ways
- Color: Lavender
- Subject: Science
- Activity: Dance
- Singer: Taylor Swift
- Song: The Alchemy, Taylor Swift or As long as you love me by Justin Bieber
- Movie: Kong vs Godzilla
- Animal: Bottlenose Dolphin or Llama
Questions About Mom & Dad
- I love it when Mom or Dad cooks: Chicken and pastries or Steak
- What do you love doing with your mom? Shopping and talking
- What do you love doing with your dad? Talking about sciencey math stuff
When I grow up….
- When I grow up I want to have one to four kids, have a nice husband, have a job that involves speaking to large crowds, or be a marine biologist.
I was like totally floored by this answer! She is such a trip!
I always have so much fun writing these. It’s also such a nice little moment to connect with Rylee and ask her about herself. I hope you enjoyed this interview with my 11 year old daughter.
Other Adventures with My Girl
Check out some other motherhood adventures like this amazing 10 year old birthday shopping spree, or our first 5k Bubble Run.