This is a real sunset photograph taken by me at the lake in my neighborhood. So beautiful!

Today is Earth Day, and a reminder that there is so much we can do to protect our planet and keep it healthy for our children and for generations to come. Here are five simple things you can do to help protect the Earth.

1. Teach your children

There are so many opportunities to teach our children about the Earth and how to protect it so that they can enjoy its natural benefits for the long term. Local libraries and nature preserves are great places to look into for fun ways you can celebrate and learn about Earth Day as a family. Here are some local events going on in my community worth checking out:

2. Volunteer

Volunteering is also a great way to educate your children about taking care of the Earth, while putting it into practice. And it can be anything–big or small. Ever heard of Plogging? It’s picking up trash while you’re jogging! I would even consider running in a local 5k dedicated to donating to a cause, or bringing awareness to environmental efforts volunteering.

3. Plant a Tree

It’s not news that trees have so many amazing benefits and too many are cut down each year. The city of Orlando is giving away free trees to its residents in an effort to increase the tree canopy, which in turn reduces CO2 emissions. There are many events you can look into to be a part of the effort to plant more trees, a couple local events are linked below.

4. Bring your own bags to the grocery store

This one is so easy. We all have reusable totes and can reduce the use of plastic that can pollute our oceans and lakes just by keeping them in our cars and bringing them with us to the grocery store. And if you need to get yourself some reusable totes, here are some really cute options:

5. Turn the lights off when you leave the room

Another super easy one that just takes a conscious effort to turn the lights off when you leave a room. Brett is always on me about this for saving money, but it’s also better for the Earth as well and makes sense! Challenge yourself to turn off the lights and make a small but great impact!

And always, remember to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! For more amazing tips and resources, visit

This is a real sunset photograph taken by me at the lake in my neighborhood. So beautiful!

And for some more inspiration, check out this poem I wrote in honor of Earth Day!

Jane Erica

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